Vosne Chateau Ltd.
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Vosne Chateau Ltd., provide premium wood selections like Cedar, Mahogany, Oak, Poplar and Walnut for our customer to option.
Curious Woods stocks a large inventory of both America Cedar and Western Red Cedar.
-America Cedar is valued for its enduring beauty in exterior and interior applications. It’s natural resistance to decay and moisture makes Inland Red Cedar a superior choice.
-Western Red Cedar is renowned for her beauty and outstanding physical properties that make it one of the most unique softwood species.

America Cedar is valued for its enduring beauty in exterior and interior applications.
It’s natural resistance to decay and moisture makes America Cedar a superior choice.

Western Red Cedar is the highest grade available in cedar.
Western Red Cedar is renowned for her beauty and outstanding physical properties that make it one of the most unique softwood species.

Characteristics: This exotic and imported hardwood is naturally durable and has a medium texture and grain that is either straight and even or interlocked.
The white-yellow sapwood contrasts with the reddish-brown to deep red heartwood. This wood is famous for its stability and durability.
Tree is Native To: Central and South America

Characteristics: The heartwood of this exotic and imported hardwood is medium to dark red brown with white resin streaks.
The grain is interlocked and the texture is rather coarse. The wood is hard and strong. The redder the wood, the greater it’s weight and density.

Characteristics: African Mahogany is an exotic and imported hardwood that is figured "broken grained". It is characterized by vertical bonds of varying luster and vessel markings in which the ribbon effect is intermittent. The heartwood varies from light to deep reddish-brown. Like American Mahogany, this timber is very durable and stable.
Tree is Native To: Tropical West, Central and East Africa.

Characteristics: Northern Red Oak is a domestic hardwood. This wood has straight grain and a coarse texture. The color is a similar pale yellowish-brown as compared to White Oaks but with a pinkish-red hue.
Tree is Native To: This tree grows in the mid-eastern part of southern Canada and the eastern section of the United States. It grows as far south as Alab

Characteristics: White Oak is a domestic hardwood. This wood is hard, tough and straight grained. The heartwood is grayish brown and the sapwood is nearly white. White Oak figures are more attractive than Red Oak figures and the wood is more durable.
Tree is Native To: White Oak grows in the eastern part of Canada and the Unites States, south to Florida and the Gulf states.

Characteristics: Black Walnut is a domestic hardwood. The heartwood is a rich purplish-brown shade to a chocolate-brown tint. The narrow sapwood is nearly white. The texture is moderately coarse but uniform. This wood is strong and stable.
Tree is Native To: Black Walnut grows from Massachusetts to Southern Ontario and Nebraska, throughout the eastern half of the United States.

Characteristics: This exotic and imported hardwood is a member of the Walnut family. This wood very much resembles American Walnut. It’s color is dark brown with a blackish striped figure. The grain is straight to wavy and the texture is rather coarse. A good way to save a little money and still have Walnut, while not exactly the same, it is a great substit
Tree is Native To: This wood comes from Peru, Colombia and Mexico.

Characteristics: Yellow Poplar is a domestic hardwood. Poplar is straight grained and uniform in texture.The sapwood is white and often several inches thick.The heartwood is a yellowish brown to olive green sometimes streaked with dark green, purple, black, blue or red.Tree is Native To: Poplar grows throughout the eastern part of the United States usually in damp locations.It also grows in Southern Ontario.